Thursday, August 16, 2012

Staying Hydrated in Colder Temperatures

Tip from the DC Road Runners!

Hydration in Cold Weather

Staying hydrated is critical to your running performance. You may not sweat as much in the winter, and you don’t feel as thirsty in cold weather but your body need still needs water. Hydration is just as important during the winter as it is in the summer. Dehydration in athletes may lead to fatigue, headaches, decreased coordination, and muscle cramping. Runners need to pay attention to what and how much they’re drinking before, during and after exercise.

Cold air has less moisture than warm air, which means each time you inhale and exhale, the dry air steals a little bit of moisture from your lungs. Also, lower temperatures trick your bod y into ignoring its need for fluids. Therefore, you should hydrate even when you don't feel thirsty.
 It's important to remember that wearing moisture-wicking clothing may prevent you from knowing how much you're sweating. You can determine how much fluid you're losing while you run by weighing yourself before and after running. It's best to weigh yourself in the nude; don't weigh yourself while you're wearing clothing that's soaked with sweat. For every pound of weight you lost during that run, you should consume 16 ounces of fluids. Any weight lost during running or other strenuous exercise is mostly water weight, so you need to replace it. Now that you know how much you typically lose during a run, you can ensure you hydrate the correct amount the next time you run.

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