Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Team Hope For The Warriors® Okinawa Team Captain: Amanda Eason

Team Okinawa Captain and Warrior Team member Amanda Eason at the 2012 Marine Corps Marathon
“I have to be honest it’s hard for me to put into words why I am so excited about being a Team Captain. Hope For The Warriors® did so much for me and continues to check up on me after I was injured in 2010. Granted my injures never really held me back, I had some missing vision in my right eye that I gained control after going through therapy to help with balance.”

“You meet other wounded warriors that have given so much of their own. This is my way of helping support wounded warriors and being able to give back is moving emotionally. Starting a Team here in Okinawa allows me to express the importance of helping wounded warriors to be able to gain control and motivation back into their lives.’’

“I am very excited to get Team Hope For The Warriors® Okinawa started mainly because it is a great organization that is willing to go above and beyond for wounded warriors. I love being able to get people involved with such a great organization that is dedicated to our warriors that have gave so much for our beloved country.”

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