Monday, February 20, 2012

Get 'em While They're Hot!

As most know (and for those who don't), Team Hope For The Warriors® is a charity partner of two of the biggest marathons in America – the Marine Corps Marathon and the ING NYC Marathon.  Being a charity partner, the Team is granted a specific number of bibs, then Team members who purchase a bib through Hope For The Warriors® commit to fundraising a certain amount of money for the organization.  Our goal is to have a runner fill each and every spot for both races and for our fundraising goals to be met in full! Are YOU up to the challenge?!
A huge shout out to those already registered:
Laura Allen
Karen Gerber
Georgia Rackley
Stephen Bryant
Rebecca Gorman
Tracy Robinson
Melissa Clark
Shawn Greene
Bob Stocks
Keith Curran
Jona Little
Kittee Wariner
Jaimela Dulaney
Krista Muzzioli

Tom Fugiel
Robert Parker

Don't you want the 2012 MCM Finisher medal?!
Tim Arkell
Kelley Hamlin
Allison Rossi
Julie Carey
Kaitlyn Higbie
Roy Scranton
Greg Eichmann
Kurt Kachler
Herrison Sitorus
Patrick Eichmann
Kathryn Kirmayer
Meghan Steele
Ellen Fitzgerald
Christopher Payne
Bob Stocks
Jose Flores
Laura Roach
David Vogel
Sara Ford
John Roach
Michelle Wrafter
Tom Fugiel
Jack Rosenhammer

How about the ING NYC medal?
They’re booking up quickly – join your Teammates for these world-renowned marathons!  Why not push yourself a bit this year ;)
MCM: Jenlene
NYC: Sarah
Register! We'll see you there :)

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