Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Community Team Member Highlight: Scott Sunday

Scott running in the 2013 Arizona IMS Marathon 

Hometown: Grovetown, GA
Occupation: “I retired from the Army after nearly 24 years and now work as a Department of the Army Civilian.”

Can You Share With Us About Your Career In The Army?
“I enlisted in the Army in 1985 as a 72E, Telecommunications Specialist, progressing through the ranks to become a Sergeant First Class before crossing over to become a Warrant Officer, 251A Information Systems Technician.  In 2009 I retired as a CW3 after nearly 24 years of service; having deployed to Iraq and receiving numerous awards up to and including the Bronze Star Medal and the Legion of Merit.”

What Races Did You Participate In Last Year? 
“Last year started slowly with a couple half-marathons before running my first full marathon in March and starting my quest to run a marathon in each state.  I completed 13 states/marathons last year including the following races:”

Charleston Half-Marathon
Augusta Half-Marathon
Georgia Marathon
Charlotte Half-Marathon
Buffalo Marathon,
Canton Marathon
Running with the Devil Marathon
Grandfather Mountain Marathon
Alien Invasion Half-Marathon
Top of Utah Marathon
Washington DC Ragnar Relay
Leavenworth Oktoberfest Marathon
Portland Marathon
Meridian Marathon
Myrtle Beach Half-Marathon
National Veterans Day 11K
St Petersburg Women's Half-Marathon
NCR Trail Marathon
St Jude Memphis Marathon
Rocket City Marathon
Run for the Ranch Marathon

Scott and his wife Emme at the Disney Princess Half

What Races Will You Be Participating In This Year?
“My goal for 2013 is to run several half-marathons with my wife Emme; however, I am focused on completing 27 more states/marathons in my quest to run one in each state.These are the race I am doing this year:”

Key West Ragnar Relay
Disney Half-Marathon
Disney Marathon
Arizona Marathon
Disney Princess Half-Marathon
Little Rock Marathon
Columbia Marathon
Dust Bowl Texas Marathon
Dust Bowl Oklahoma Marathon
Dust Bowl Kansas Marathon
Dust Bowl Colorado Marathon
Garden Spot Marathon
Carmel Marathon
Illinois Marathon
New Jersey Marathon
Delaware Marathon
Run for the Warriors® Half-Marathon
Bayshore Marathon
Hatfield and McCoy Marathon
Mad Marathon, Pocatello Marathon
Center of the Nation North Dakota Marathon
Center of the Nation South Dakota Marathon
Center of the Nation Wyoming Marathon
Center of the Nation Montana Marathon
Center of the Nation Nebraska Marathon
New Hampshire Marathon
Hartford Marathon
Marine Corps Marathon
Bowling Green Marathon
Baton Rouge Beach Marathon

 Have You always Been a Runner?
“Having spent 24 years in the Army I guess you could say I've always been a runner; however, once I retired from the Army I went about 3 years without working out at all and prior to that I had never ran more than an occasional 10K.  It wasn't until December 2011 that I started running in earnest and ran my first half-marathon.”

 How Did You Hear About Hope For The Warriors®?  
“I am currently in the midst of a quest to run a marathon in each state to honor several Fallen Friends and Heroes.  I was hopeful to run this year's Marine Corps Marathon to complete the state of Virginia; however, I was aware that the MCM sells out extremely quickly.  While researching avenues to gain registration into the MCM I discovered Hope for the Warriors® and was immediately connected with their goals and mission.”

What Made You Want To Join The Team?
“Upon discovering Hope for the Warriors® and their mission I couldn't wait to join the Team and help raise funds/awareness for our Nation's Warriors.  Being able to gain entry into the MCM while simultaneously giving back to our Nation's Warriors was truly a win-win situation!”

Scott at the St. Judes Memphis Marathon

Who Or What Inspires You During Your Races?
“First and foremost I am inspired by the Heroes whom I run on behalf of; however, beyond that I am inspired by the various runners I meet along the way.  I've met Gold Star widows running marathons not in memory of their husband but on behalf of another Marine whose daughter had cancer; truly inspiring.  I ran/walked the Disney Marathon with a soldier who had injured an ankle as was going to drop out of the race; ensuring that I didn't leave an injured comrade.   Inspiration comes from many sources for me.”

What Has Been Your Favorite Race and Why?
“Every race is unique and has a special memory and story associated with it; however, one is extremely meaningful to me.  Despite running numerous marathons in the past year, the one that holds special meaning to me is the Buffalo Marathon.  This one is special because it was on Memorial Day 2012 and was the first race that I had run with a shirt to commemorate the Heroes memories.  It was made even more special as I crossed the finish line and the race director gave me a second finisher's medal for my Fallen Friend's daughter.”

What Race Are You Looking Forward To Most This Year? 
“There are actually two races that I am looking forward to this year; the first of which is the Marine Corps Marathon.  This race holds special meaning to me as one of the Heroes I am running on behalf of was a Marine and I am running it to raise funds on behalf of the Warriors!  The second run I am looking forward to is the Run for the Warriors® half-marathon in Jacksonville, NC as I will be running that race in an elevation training mask and weighted vest as part of my fundraising challenge.”

Scott running the Disney Marathon

What Is On Repeat On Your Running Playlist Right Now? 
“Ironically, I don't have a running playlist, I never wear an iPod during my training runs or races; I find that by running without headphones I am able to interact with fellow runners along the course.  This gives me the opportunity to motivate them and also to share the story of the Heroes and their sacrifices.”

Can you tell us a little bit about and What Or Who Inspired Your Fundraising Challenge?  
“My personal fundraising challenge was inspired as a way to raise funds and awareness for the great work of Hope for the Warriors®. Rather than simply asking friends, family, and coworkers for donations I decided that it would be more meaning if I were to sacrifice on behalf of the Warriors in return for the donations.  The premise of my fundraising challenge was that if I were to reach my initial fundraising goal by March 1st I would run the Run for the Warriors® half-marathon in an elevation training mask and 10lb weighted vest.  Having reached that goal, I have upped the ante so to speak and will add an additional 1lb to the vest for each $100 raised above my initial goal.  My hope is that be bearing a heavier load I will be able to help raise funds/awareness so that the Warriors may bear a lighter load!”

Can you tell us a little bit about and What Or Who Inspired Your 50 Marathons In 50 States By The Age Of 50 Challenge?  

“I started the 50 Marathon in 50 States by age 50 challenge to honor my friend and fallen hero, CW2 Scott Coulter, who was killed in action in Iraq in 2004. Along the way I have been inspired by many others; particularly a Gold Star Wife and a Gold Star Mother. As I continue the journey I am not only running to honor Scott, but also their husband and son respectively.”

Where Can We Follow Your Incredible Journey?
If anyone would like to follow my journey to run a marathon in each state to Honor the Heroes you may do so on my Facebook Page."

1 comment:

  1. Scott after reading this I'm even more proud to be associated with you. I thank the Lord that our paths crossed. Take care of yourself my brother and know that God truly foes have everything in order. I love you to life, me
